Lesfam Company ltd is known as best and reliable beverages and food distribution company with the best prices ever in ghana and beyond located at Ritz Junction, Madina Adenta Road.

Lesfam Company officially announces their presents in tissue paper market space also been a key distributor of EVERPACK PRODUCTS manufacturers of all kinds of Tissue Papers as Majorly types of tissue papers; Bathroom Tissue, Facial Tissue, Paper Towel, Paper Napkin.
During this Corona Virus session, the demand for Tissues is very high and it has been very important to use tissues every minute of your time. Tissue products include those for sanitary use, such as bathroom and facial tissue, napkins, paper towels and wipes, and special sanitary papers used in sterile medical procedures. Disposable tissue products have helped reduce the spread of the Corona Virus and other bacterias.

Lesfam Company Ltd has the tissue in stock for all wholesalers and retailers with the best price ever in Ghana. Visit our social media pages www.facebook.com/lesfamcompanylimited www.instagram/lesfamcompany or visit our website www.lesfamcompany.com. Call us on 0302554357, 0302548648, 0501682510 for more details and orders. Watch how we got it in stock at the warehouse